Toon town a most favored land in all of Disney. It's just delightfully silly- Rodger rabbit silly! Though Disney in all of its mamby pamby correctness made Jessica Rabbit a detective instead of the sexiest cartoon ever. OHHHHH Jessica- Paddy cake!
Still, it is the greatest place to get a hot dog and sit on a bench in the sun.
The trip down was eventful, in the not so great sense of eventful. The plane from Bellingham to Seattle broke and stayed loaded on the tar mack for well over an hour and a half, waiting for the mechanics to fly in from another part of the state- some contract thing. Passengers cancelling connecting flights, patients appointments etc. I was not sure if I could make the connecting flight - when we finally landed in Seattle I RAN ! I ran on my injured foot across the tar mack from the plane to the terminal up two steep ramps, ran to the gate. I had my boarding pass in hand and the plane was still boarding- good to go...but WAIT- they cancelled my ticket thinking that there was no way I would make it , and sold my seat! They scheduled me for a later flight which would mean I would not get to Anaheim until very late or the next day. "NO!" I said- "I am here and this is my flight"- They scrambled and finally last minute found me a seat- a middle seat.
My already blown out foot began to feel like someone threw gas and a match at it, put the fire out with an anvil - several knife jabs, injecting a bit of battery acid and cayenne just to top it off. "ow", I did say.
Consequently, foot was useless by the time I arrived . Erik met me at the airport. In the morning, our first day at Disney money land He rented a wheel chair for me. Best invention of the day! We found Pete, our favorite Disney character- he did not disappoint.
What a good lad! Pushed me all over the magic Kingdom. Miles and miles.
This is a photo of a Mary Poppins pin and my own personal scooter person.
The silver lining is that Disney is most accommodating to wheel chair folks. First in line, back entrance, no waiting in queues . Best seats on the rides, helping hand getting in and out.Dennis and Erik enjoyed the bennies of having a compromised wheelchair person. No complaints.
The perspective is different from a chair- there are a lot of butts in the face , horses are taller. The best part of Disneyland , we found, is Galaxy's Edge. The best ride of all time is Rise Of The Resistance. We did it twice - each ride took a different route so I am reckoning it never gets old! Entering the Galaxy's Edge feels Morocco -ish. here is you tube vid of it all.
Drinking some galactic cocktail in the cantina- a review- Here. I had some tequila thing and Dennis had ...water. Erik had something rummy. We got in right away (wheel chair) We discussed smuggling strategies and other slithery star war crimes, as you do . I felt the most comfortable in this section of money land- it is just plain cool, every detail - the vibe is honest, rough around the edges not homogenized like the Mouse shite. He has become the most insipid character. When we were kids Mickey and Pluto were kind of naughty/funny- Mickey has matured into a gooey preacher boy scout- far too correct - pleasing all of the people all of the time...annoying AF. That said, his ride is probably the second best in the park, taking you through a movie theater lobby walls of old mickey posters. The show (ride) starts and you are in a drone like machine/bucket-going through every version of the mouse- Steamboat Willie and naughty Mickey being my favorites.Sounds dull doesn't it, I am not good at explaining , guess you will just have to go on your own. ...
Fantasy land has been upgraded, a face lift for everyone. Worthy,but, really, I could have spent all of my time in Galaxy's Edge.
The next day- I stayed in and rested my blown out foot because the pain was throbbing ridiculously. On the last day it felt a bit better , another chair and Erik, worn out by now ,gallantly pushed me around. Most people were wearing Disney merch. One t-shirt said "most expensive day ever"...that shirt was not wrong.
It was a happy, colorful, silly , fun trip . I would go again but only if I could legitimately rent a chair and I had a giant wad of cash.
All is well here this evening, for now ,we can still breathe.
The end.